The market is set in the beautiful and family friendly Knox Park and is a great place to sell your local produce, vintage, collectables and pre-loved goods.
$50 = 3x3 frontage. Casual rate with Public Liability Insurance
$40 = 3x3 frontage. Permanent rate with Public Liability Insurance
BYO 3x3 marquee, tables, weights etc.
All marquees must be pegged or weighted down
No power is available for stalls
No Plastic bags! This is a plastic free event
No Counterfeit or Mass Imported items
As the Market Organisers we are required to have Public Liability insurance which will cover the market set-up however it is also a requirement of our agreement with Tweed Shire Council that you have Insurance up to the value of $10million for public liability. Insured traders must have a certificate of currency with a minimum of $10 million cover. This must be sighted by the Market Manager.
Stallholders must provide a copy of their updated insurance each year, as it falls due, to continue operating at the markets. Emailing a digital copy is preferred. It is the responsibility of the stallholder to provide this up-to-date information, it is not the responsibility of management to chase stallholders for their updated insurance information. Should a stallholder not renew their insurance and continue to trade, they will risk the loss of their site at the market.
The markets are an all-weather event. Come well-prepared for doing business in rain, wind or heat. Any decision to cancel a market due to unsafe weather conditions will be made by market management prior to the market. This would rarely happen and only if conditions are deemed severe enough to create a risk to health and safety.
Please read the full Terms & Conditions on our website which gives you all the information relating to our Wet Weather Policy and Trade Requirements. By agreeing to trade at the Makers & Finders Market, you are agreeing to these Terms.
We welcome buskers and musicians. A tent area, with electricity supplied, is provided as a performance space but the performers must provide your own PA and mixer etc. Performers may also sell their own CDs and merchandise from the stage. contact us to book a date at one of our markets.
Please contact Market Manager Peita Gardiman on 0413 804 024 if you have any questions